Ear Buds: The Podcasting Documentary 2016

6.4 /10 - IMDB
Language: EN

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Graham Elwood and Chris Mancini (The Comedy Film Nerds Podcast) wanted to find out why podcasters had such a deep personal connection with their audience. So they set out to find out. They went all over the country, and then even to Australia and Japan to meet fans and podcasters. What they discovered and the stories they heard, from both the podcasters and the fans, was moving and fascinating. As Graham and Chris were shooting, they realized meeting the fans and hearing their stories was affecting them as much as the fans and podcasters they were interviewing. A film set to explore the personal connection of a new medium ended up being a very personal journey for the filmmakers as well.—Comedy Film Nerds


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Release Date:


Date Uploaded:

2019-02-17 13:57:43

Run Time:

1 hours 46 minutes

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Ear Buds: The Podcasting Documentary

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