Resistance Is Life 2017

7.6 /10 - IMDB
Language: KU

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From a refugee camp on the Turkish-Syrian border, an 8-year-old girl, EVLIN, characterizes the resistance of her homeland. Her heroes, the Kurdish female fighters, are defending the city of Kobane against the onslaught by ISIS militants. The power of the human spirit emanates through Evlin as she shows us that hope and resilience prevail even in the most tragic of circumstances. Evlin takes us on a journey that introduces the many different faces of the resistance on both sides of the border and provides a unique look at the extraordinary spirit behind the first major victory against ISIS.—Burn a Light Productions




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Date Uploaded:

2023-01-24 20:44:29

Run Time:

1 hours 13 minutes

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Resistance Is Life

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